Monday, March 28, 2016

This week

Jane Stalwart is finished and the entire edited version is now posted in the stories section at the bottom. It's been submitted to literotica and other sites.

The story request list has been sent off to Kaos, but I haven't heard from her yet.

Standard 8 page Kaos Tuesday morning update today.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

New Blacknwhite comic

Not affiliated with me in any way, but it's a Yair comic and I'm excited for it. This and the last few panels of Detention looks like he's using a new coloring technique and his art appears brighter and even better to me.

Friday, March 25, 2016


Just wanted to let everyone know, Blacknwhitecomics finished Detention today. God, I love that comic. Can't wait for Part 2. Art Class is looking really promising too. I think Yair be jumping up to my second or third favorite artist. Old style Pit being number 1 and Kaos being the toss up with Yair for number 2.

I'm on vacation this week, may be out of communication for a few days at a time, mostly late next week.

Also,  DAYUMN!