Sunday, April 21, 2019

Next Houseguest section

Lily Whyte

“I appreciate this.” Beth hung up the phone and placed it back on the charger on John’s dashboard.

“You got a ride?”

“Yeah, driving up from Miami tomorrow morning. I’ll just need to find a place to stay tonight.”

“I’ll pay for a room.”

“No thanks, you’ve done enough for me already,” said Beth, smiling at the black man. “If I can get a spot, I should make enough to get my own room. There’s the exit.”

“You sure you want this one?” asked John. “There are better clubs in Orlando.”

“The Cuban in the video with me on the beach is the owner. Throwing his name out should get me a spot dancing.” Beth reached over and squeezed John’s cock through his pants. She mewled as she felt it swell. “It’s close to lunch time. How about one for the road?”

John winced, lifting her hand off his cock. “Sorry, gotta save some for the wife. She gets antsy when I’m away.”

“I understand,” she replied. The truck came to a stop outside the Temptations. It was slightly out of the way and smaller then Miami or Tampa’s. “Thank you,” said Beth, leaning over and kissing John of the cheek.

“I’ll walk you out.”

John exited the truck and came around to her side, limping and wincing from being cramped in the cab. He helped her down. “Can I get a real kiss?”

Beth came into his arms and kissed the fat old black man with as much passion as she’d shown Titus. “Thanks again,” she said, trying to stop herself from pushing her crotch against his bulge. “It’s nice to know there’s some decent hung men out there.”

John laughed. “Trust me, I was a first-class asshole when I was younger. I’ve mellowed with age.”

“Well, I won’t forget what you did for me.”

“Baby, I’ll never forget you either. This was the best haul of my thirty-year career. Plus, I got our movie to remember you by.”

“You were right about having a plot.” Beth had watched and rewound bits of the movie during the ride this morning. It was mostly responsible for her state of arousal. Lee had done a good job filming, holding the tablet mostly steady though his shouts did take a bit away from the movie. She kissed him again. “Thanks again.”

“Good luck to you.” John turned and left. He pulled down on the horn as the truck turned back onto the road.

Beth entered the club. There ware only a few patrons this early and one topless waitress walking around. One small breasted stripper was dancing unenthusiastically on the stage only earning a buck or two.

“Excuse me,” said Beth as the waitress walked past.

The waitress froze, looking Beth up and down. “Honey, we don’t need you coming in here and taking all the money. This place is filled with cheapskates already.”

“Is the manager in?” Beth’s eyes followed the waitress’ finger to a door with an office sign on it. She didn’t bother thanking the rude woman as she walked over to the office. She knocked, opening the door when a voice told her to come in. The man behind the desk had his feet up and a game controller in his hands. He was playing a shooter game on a large TV. He was a non-descript, very average looking twenty-something with a scruffy beard and an already balding pate. “Excuse me?”

“What?” he glanced up, looked back at the screen, did a double take and sat up, staring at Beth. “You’re hired.”

“Thanks, but I’m only looking for a couple spots tonight.”

“Sorry, employees only. We quit doing amateur nights years ago.” He turned back to his game and picked up the controller.

“If you don’t mind, could you give Mr. Perez a call? Tell Esteban that Bethany Beach would like a couple spots tonight.”

The manager sat up straight again. “Well, I think we can make an exception for you tonight. Come back at 8:00 and you can go on right after Lily.”

“What about an outfit?”

The man looked her up and down. “Oh, I think what you’re wearing works.”

“How busy will it get, Mr….?”

“Just call me Jeff. And Tuesdays aren’t the busiest.”

“Crap, I just need to make enough for a motel room.”

“Well, if that’s all you need,” said Jeff, looking her up and down again. “I’d gladly let you stay with me…”

“No thanks. I’ll be back at 8:00.” Beth left the club. There were some fast food restaurants about a mile down the road. She started walking.

She dragged lunch on as long as possible. Some men were starting to stare and she left before they could hit on her. It was unbelievably boring without a phone or anything to kill time. She ended up wandering through a nearby dollar store. Walking down the toy aisle, she paused and picked up a cowboy sheriff set. Smiling, she walked to the counter and purchased it.

She still had time to kill and ended up walking another mile and seeing a matinee in a five-screen movie theater and that brought her spending money down to a few dollars. Beth began the long walk back to the Temptations, two cars pulling over and asking if she wanted a ride. The first man was a little insistent and made her nervous, but eventually he drove off. The second guy seemed nice and she refused, but told him she’d be dancing at the club tonight, hoping he’d show and she get a few bucks off him.

Back at the Temptations, Jeff showed her backstage and introduced her. “This is Beth, she’ll be dancing a couple spots tonight only. Please give her anything she needs.”

“Good, we don’t need the competition.” The stripper wasn’t much to look at, with a missing tooth and saggy boobs. She looked worn and run down, near the end of her career.

“No, but we could sure use someone like her to bring the crowds in.” The woman speaking was sitting at the make-up counter. She turned and stood up, holding her hand out to Beth. “Lily Whyte,” she said.

“Bethany Shor… Beach.”

“Like the town in Delaware?”

“Sure, I guess.” Beth released her hand and let her eyes wander down Lily’s body. Lily would have been invisible in a snow storm her skin was so pale. The palest Beth had ever seen. Her hair was raven dark with piercing blue eyes. Her breasts were full and well-rounded D-cups. Lily was stunning and a cut above the rest in this particular Temptations. “Wow, you could play Snow White,” said Beth.

Lily was checking out Beth’s body. She smiled and looked up. “Actually, I have. I was a cast member at Disney. They’ll fire you for the stupidest shit and at that time, I’d already had my daughter…” Lily pulled a photograph stuck in the dressing room mirror out. The girl was nearly five and ironically dressed as Snow White. “Emma.”

“She’s lovely.”

“Thanks. Anyway, I’d certainly never intended to be a dancer, but this was the best way I could think of to make enough money to support her.”

“We do what we have to do,” sighed Beth. ‘I’m supposed to go on after you.”

“Great, because I certainly don’t want to follow you. Want me to do your makeup?”

“Sure,” said Beth, smiling.

The two women chatted while Lily applied some eyelashes and make-up to Beth’s face. Lily talked about Emma and working for Disney. She liked it here, but the money was slowly drying up and she might be forced to move to one of the newer bigger clubs. The other strippers considered her the biggest draw and didn’t want her to go. Jeff was easy to work for. He wasn’t very dynamic or proactive, but he mostly left the girls alone. A few tossed a blow job his way to get a good spot or a vacation day, but he never forced any of them. Beth explained some of her predicament and that all she was trying to do was to make it back to Miami.

‘Well, I’m on,” said Lily. She stood and walked over to the stage.

Beth opened her dollar store purchase and ripped into the cardboard. She stuck the badge on her shirt and just tucked the toy pistols into her pockets with the handles sticking out since she didn’t have a belt to pull through the holster. When she was finished, she went to the side and watched Lily dance.

Lily was strutting around on stage in a bra and g-string. As the second song started, she removed her bra and crawled around the stage. Beth could tell she was a favorite. There were maybe fifteen men in the audience and half came up to tip her a dollar. The other half came up during the third song when she was completely nude, tipping her more dollars with an occasional five. Her set ended and Lily scooped up some money off the stage, waved and strolled off.

“And now, for one night only, Temptations has a special treat here all the way from Miami just for you. Lets here it for Bethany.” The DJ hit play and Kid Rock’s Cowboy blared through the speakers.

Beth galloped out on stage like she was riding a horse, she circled around the stage waving her hat at the crowd. There was dead silence for a moment. Every eye in the club was on the stage from the strippers working the floor to the bartenders to the patrons. Then cheers and applause erupted. Beth pretended to dismount and strutted up bow legged, pulling her guns out and firing them into the air, using the barrel of one to push the front of her cowboy hat up. Nearly half the men in the club tossed some money on the stage before she’d even taken her anything off.

As the song came to an end, Beth pulled the end of the shirt tied between her breasts. He shirt came loose, but she let it hand open still covering her breasts. She turned and bent down, placing the guns on the floor and pulling the shorts down. She fumbled a little trying to get the shorts over her boots, but she managed just as the second song started.

Lily was supposed to be making the rounds for a lap dance, but she like everyone else was frozen in place, staring at the stage. Joe Cocker’s, “You Can Leave Your Hat On,” was playing as Beth pulled her plaid shirt back revealing her large perfectly shaped breasts. It was a slower, more erotic song, and Beth slowed down, swaying to the music and she left her hat on. She ran her back up and down the pole, twirling around it a couple times. By this time, every patron had tossed a dollar or more onto the stage. As the song ended, Beth turned away from the crowd and pulled her thong off. She spun around quickly and just as quickly, she pulled her cowboy hat off covering her crotch, acting shocked like the crowd had just caught her nude just as Nickelback’s. “Something in Your Mouth,” started playing. This was a faster song and Beth’s dancing picked up again. Beth rolled on the stage, lifting her hips up into the music, crawling on all fours towards men waving bills at her. During her third set, nearly every patron tipped her a second time. As Beth’s set ended, Lily’s applause was as loud as the rest of the audiences. As Beth left the stage, the first patron motioned Lily over for a lap dance. A lot more were staring at the stage door, patiently waiting for Beth to make her rounds.

Backstage, when Beth returned from the floor, Lily threw her arms around Beth and gave her a big hug.

“You were magnificent. I’ve never seen the crowd react like that.”

“Uh, thanks,” said Beth, a little taken aback. She was still nude. Lily was back in her bra and panty. Slowly, Beth lowered her arms and hugged Lily back. This was… nice.

Lily broke the hug and stepped back, keeping her hands-on Beth’s arms. She looked like she was proud of Beth. “Listen, after our last sets, do you want to grab something to eat? I’ll need to get home to Emma so It would have to be quick.”

“Sure,” said Beth. “I’m famished.”

After their sets, Beth and got in Lily’s car. Lily drove them a short distance to a nearby diner. “I know this is a rude question, but I have to ask, how much?”

Beth was counting her money in the car. “After tipping out Jeff and the DJ, lets see. It looks like about $250.”

“Wow! That’s crazy money for a Tuesday. Just how long have you been doing this?”

Beth snorted. “This is like my third time.”

“You gotta be fucking kidding me! You’re a natural. Get into one of the big gentleman’s clubs and you’d make a fortune. Maybe a hundred grand.”

“Now you’re fucking kidding me.”

“Not at all. The top dancers at the big clubs make that or more and you certainly have what it takes.” Lily pulled into an all-night diner and the two women got tables. Beth ordered a BLT salad with chicken strips while Lily ordered a soup and salad combo. “The cowgirl act was great,” said Lily, holding Beth’s hands across the table while they waited on their food.

Beth stared down at their hands. This was… nice, she thought again. Beth moved her eyes up to Lily’s piercing blue ones. She saw nothing but decency and friendliness reflected in those eyes. The two women had clicked fast. Not since childhood had Beth had a friend. She was fully aware that she was the one to blame with her attitude. Even her college lesbian friends were only nice to her because they wanted to get in her pants. She had missed out on one of life’s great pleasures over the last decade.

“I’ve noticed a lot of the dancers that make the most money have some sort of act or gimmick.”

“Maybe that’s what I need,” said Lily, pausing as the waitress brought them their food. “It’s looking more and more like I’m going to have to move to one of the bigger clubs. Temptations is pretty convenient and Jeff doesn’t give us a hard time.”

“Were in Disney country, we need to imagineer that shit.” Beth chewed on her food for a few minutes. “The answer for you is obvious, since you both look like and have played Snow White.”

Lily chuckled. “I actually already have to costume.”

“You’d need to alter it some so that the mouse’s lawyers don’t come after you.” Beth’s mind roamed to Big John’s stories and how much better a theme or story made things. Thinking about him reminded her of his big cock adding a fresh wave of arousal to the arousal already dripping from her pussy from displaying her body to so many admiring eyes. “Sexy, but not too sexy, and easy to remove. You’d want to project innocence at first.”

“I could put stuffed animals out on stage and come out, holding my dress up and dancing around the animals like they’re woodland creatures. Emma already had plenty in her bedroom.”

“I’d have another dancer in the audience, getting the crowd worked up by yelling for you to strip, but you refuse. As the second song starts, another coworker comes out dressed as the witch, holding an apple. You bite into it and suddenly are transformed. The DJ plays a thunderclap noise. You act confused, then let your hair down and your dress falls to the floor. Your underwear is pink and innocent, maybe design it with Velcro so you can rip it off as your third song starts.”

“You’re really good at this,” said Lily. “I’m going to work something out with Jeff and the DJ.”

“That other girl, Jeri,” said Beth. She wasn’t much to look at, but with some make-up and a blonde wig, she could be Cinderella. And the Mexican dancer…”

“Inez, and she’s Venezuelan,”

“With her darker skin, she could do Jasmine. Come out in a harem girl outfit. Maybe roll her out on a magic carpet.”

“Or rig up a smoke machine with a lamp, like she’s the genie. She could grant patrons wishes which would basically be to remove her clothes and dance naked.”

“I like it,” said Beth. “This would work.” Lily pulled out some money, but Beth added, “No, I got this.” She threw some money down on the bill. “I need one more favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Could you drive me around to the nearest hotel with a vacancy?”

“Nonsense, you’re staying with me.”

“I couldn’t impose.”

“You’re not. We’ll have a two-woman pajama party. Emma can sleep on the couch and you can have her bed. I’ll take you to your rendezvous in the morning.”

“Well thank you.”

Lily drove them to her house. Her mom was asleep on the couch. She introduced Beth after waking her mother and asked after her daughter. After her mom left, Lily went and checked on her sleeping daughter. “She’s out like a light,” said Lily coming back. “It’s funny, she’ll talk to you, but still be asleep at the same time. She won’t remember me coming in to check on her in the morning. Lily went to the kitchen and poured them to glasses of wine. She sat next to Beth on the couch and handed her a glass. “Do you mind the couch? It’s going to be hard to move her.”

“Not at all,” said Beth, clinking glasses with Lily. “Tell me about Emma.”

Lily’s eyes lit up as she talked about her daughter. The dad was a deadbeat loser, but Lily clearly loved her daughter and would do anything in the world for her. Beth let her own hand fall to her womb as she thought of the life growing inside. She’d been too upset by Titus’ abandoning her and trying to get home to think about what she’d do about having a baby. She smiled as she realized, she’d do anything for her baby just like Lily was doing for Emma.

“You have a gorgeous smile,” said Lily. “It lights up the room and really projects your beauty. I wish I had a smile like that.”

“Thanks. I wish I had your eyes.”

Lily drained her glass. “This couch isn’t very comfortable is it?”

“I’ll be fine. I just need a pillow and maybe a blanket.”

Lily took Beth’s glass and took them both to the kitchen sink. “Come on, it’s a pajama party, you can sleep in my bed.”

“Not much of a pajama party when you don’t have pajamas,” joked Beth.

“We’ll call it a panty party then.” Lily pulled her top off and pulled her shorts down. “You can use the bathroom after me.” Lily closed the door to the bathroom. Beth listened to the toilet flush and then the sounds of Lily brushing her teeth. When she returned, she was topless, having left her bra in the bathroom.

Beth took her turn in the bathroom, stripping down to her thong after brushing her teeth. She returned to the bedroom and slipped in on the right side of the bed. Lily rolled over to face her, propping her head up on her arm. The blanket was under her breasts. “I think the gimmicks might works, but we need to increase awareness and get more people in. I’ll get Jeff to update our social media profile.”

Beth rolled over to face Lily. She stared into the deep blue pools of Lily’s eyes, but her new friend’s breasts kept distracting her. Her nipples were a faint rose color, but her skin was so pale, her nipples stood out on her breasts. She looked back up to Lily’s eyes. Lily hadn’t seemed to notice she was staring at her breasts. “You know sometimes the old ways are better. This is a big-time convention city.”

“Pretty much every week.”

“Dress in costume and pass out fliers. Get that convention crowd in. Lots of businessmen with money traveling. Offer a half price cover charge with coupon on the flier.”

“We don’t charge a cover.”

“You do now.” Beth’s eyes roamed back down to Lily’s breasts. “Makes people think they’re getting a deal on a fancier place.” Beth’s hand slid under the covers. It came out by Lily’s breast and caressed over it. Lily jumped in surprise, clearly not expecting it. Beth lifted her hand just above Lily’s breast. “Sorry, I…”

“No, it’s okay.” She reached out and pulled Beth’s hand down on her breast. Beth pinched her thick rosy nipple between her thumb and forefinger. It hardened immediately. Lily started breathing heavily. “I’ve never been with a woman before,” she whispered, both women sliding towards the center of the bed at the same time. “I’ve never even been attracted to a woman before.” Their lips met and Lily started moaning as their tongues danced back and forth.

Beth pulled back first. Kissing her quickly on the lips. “Are you sure?” she whispered. “I’ve never found myself feeling this close to anyone this quickly before. I don’t want to ruin this.”

“I’m sure,” said Lily, leaning in to kiss her again.

Beth kept her lips pressed on Lily’s as she raised herself on top her new friend. Beth slowly moved her lips down to Lily’s chin then her neck. Beth moved her body down, kissing her way to Lily’s breasts. The stripper’s chest flushed, rising and falling as she began breathing heavily. Lily gasped when Beth’s tongue found her nipple, sucking it into her mouth. Her gasp turned to a mewling sound as her legs spread and her hips began rising into the thrusts of an imaginary lover. Beth kissed her way over to the other nipple, flicking it back and forth with her tongue before sucking it to into her mouth.

Lily placed her hands on Beth’s shoulders, pushing down. “Please,” she begged.

Beth grinned as she gently bit at the nipple in her mouth before releasing it. She moved down, licking down Lily’s ribs and kissing her stomach. Lily’s skin was gorgeous, near perfectly unblemished by mole, freckle, or tattoo. There were no tan lines around her breasts or arms. If she wasn’t going to strip as Snow White, she could easily portray a gothic vampire. All she needed were some fake fangs.

Beth kissed down to her navel, letting her tongue run into the woman’s belly button. Unlike most dancers or even most women her age, Lily’s navel was unpierced. Lily sucked her stomach in as Beth tongued it. Her belly was shapely and sexy and Beth finally began to understand her husband’s fascination with women’s bare stomachs. She kissed her belly button again and worked her way south.

Lily kept her pubic mound full, but trimmed tight. Beth slid her tongue down the side. Lily whimpered. “It’s been so long,” she gasped just as Beth’s tongue plunged into her wet pussy and the whimper turned into a little scream. Lily sat up slightly, reaching down towards Beth’s head, but not touching it. She trembled and came, falling back down on the bed.

Beth didn’t stop. She licked faster, slowly inserting two fingers. Lily writhed, slowly raising her hips into the thrusts of Beth’s fingers. Beth worked her fingers faster, flickering her tongue around Lily’s clitoris. Beth sucked the swollen clit between her lips. Lily bucked and cried out as a waterfall of squirted out around Beth’s hand. Lily collapsed back on the bed, breathing heavily. Beth kissed her pussy and climbed back up Lily’s body, giving to quick kisses to her nipples before falling beside her.

“Better then any man,” hissed Lily, a lazy grin spread across her face. “I’ve never had two before.”

Lily stretched sensuously. “Okay, my turn.”

“You don’t need to, if you don’t want to.”

“I want to,” said Lily. She leaned forwards and kissed Beth on the lips. Her hand slipped under the pillow, retrieving something.  Lily didn’t climb on top of Beth, but slid down her side. She stared in awe for a moment at Beth’s breasts. Her nipples were puffed out and fully engorged. Lilly leaned forward and kissed the nearest nipple and her hand slid across Beth’s stomach and up to her breast. She suckled and bit at the nipple in her mouth while her hand kneaded and pinched Beth’s other nipple. It was Beth’s turn to start mewling as her arousal increased. Lily rose up, kissing down to Beth’s stomach. “A Q in a spade,” she said, staring at Beth’s piercing. She moved the chain aside and kissed Beth’s navel, wiggling her tongue into it. She kissed down Beth’s pubic mound and climbed over Beth’s leg. Lily planted a kiss on the tip of Beth’s crotch just about her clit as she took up her position. “I have a surprise.”

Beth looked down and laughed, quickly suppressing it. Lily looked confused. She looked at the pink vibrator in her hand. “You don’t want me to use it?”

Beth chuckled again. “No, it’s fine.” She opened her legs further.

“Trust me, if you’ve never used on of these, you’re gonna love it.” Lilly started lapping up and down Beth’s slit, wiggling her tongue between her folds and then out, to slide around her clitoris.

Beth gasped, humping Lily’s tongue every time she pushed it inside. She heard the vibrator switch on. Lily kissed her pussy, replacing her lips with the tip of the bullet shaped vibrator. The vibrations sent waves of pleasure up into her pussy and the pleasure only increased when Lily bent the head down and pushed it deep. Beth moaned enjoying the thrusts of the pink dildo, the vibrations helping bring her close to an orgasm which finally exploded from her body when Lilly returned her tongue to wet labia.

Lily didn’t slow, fucking her faster with the dildo, but the pink bullet wasn’t pushing as deep anymore. Lily was slowly pulling it back, replacing it with her tongue. The tip of the bullet slid down Beth’s perineum. “LILY!” cried Beth in surprise as the bullet pierced her anus. It was well lubricated from the first orgasm and easily slid in. The vibrating dildo sent tremors through her rectum and when Lilly added her fingers to the work her tongue was doing, Beth came hard again.

Lily switched the dildo off and slowly pulled it out. “Told you, you’d like it.” Lily slid up beside her and leaned down, giving Beth a long passionate kiss. She laid down on her side facing Beth. “Pinky’s been my replacement for a man for the last year.” Beth turned on her side facing the other woman, running her hand softly along the curve of Lily’s hip. “Honestly Beth, it’s better then a man. It never lets you down and it stays hard as long as you need it to.”

“Sorry, I laughed. It was just so small.”

“Small! The package said its maximum penetration was five-and three-quarter inches. That’s as big as any man I’ve ever seen. I don’t want you to think I’m a slut, but I’ve been with like a dozen men.”

“If that’s as big as you’ve ever had, then I’d say you’ve never been with a man.”

“There’s a little girl sleeping in the next room that say different.” Lily seemed a bit indignant now.

“I’m talking about a real man. A hung man with a cock twice the size of little pinky there.”

“A woman couldn’t take something that big.”

Beth smiled. Her hand moved up to Lily’s shoulder and she started caressing her luxurious black hair. “Don’t believe me. Go buy one of the big dildos.”

Lily crinkled her nose in distaste. “But those are all black!” She chuckled. “I thought they were only used as gag gifts for like bachelorette parties and such.”

“They’re based on the real thing. I’ve found the biggest cocks are usually on black men, but I’ve met a few white men with big horse cocks.”

Lily looked skeptical. “And how do I know which men have big horse cocks?”

“You can tell. They’re sure of themselves, comfortable in their bodies. The exude confidence and sexuality and you’re instantly sexually attracted to them.”

Lily snorted then laughed. “You’re describing yourself.”

“Me?” Beth was surprised.

“Yeah you. You were in command of the room the second you walked into my Temptations. And your routine, I’ve never known another dancer that projected their confidence and sexuality so strongly.”

Beth blushed at Lily’s compliment thinking how only a few months ago, she would have hated any woman that danced naked. “Thanks, I guess, but I don’t have a big cock.”

“And that’s a darn shame. If you did, I’d be trying out that big boy right now.”

“I didn’t quite finish. The men with the big cocks also tend to be selfish assholes. They can’t be faithful and usually are loners or leaders of lesser men.”

Lily’s eyes were closed and she was smiling. “Travis,” she whispered.


“Travis. He was the top jock back in high school. He was quarterback and basketball captain. He swaggered when he walked and all the other jocks followed him like he was a god. He dated the most popular girl in school, but there were always rumors of him banging most of her friends and even the French teacher. He hit on me a few times, tried to get me to go to some private parties.”

“And what happened?”

“I was a late bloomer. My hair was short then and I had braces and ugly glasses, but it’s hard to hide all this.” Lily swept her hand down her gorgeous body. “Whenever he talked to me, I’d get wet and my nipples would start poking out. He even called me over to a table full of the football team at lunch and told me I looked pretty. The whole team was staring at my chest and they all laughed when my nipples popped out through my shirt.”

“Told you they could be assholes.”

“Yeah, well my mom had me when she was a teen and didn’t want me ruining my life so she never let me go out all through high school. Not even to the prom. Asshole or not, I don’t think my virginity would have stayed safe if Travis had gotten me alone. Terrence came in late in the year and Travis lost his top dog spot.”


“This monster of a black guy. He seemed intent on breaking Travis. All the team started looking up to him almost immediately and he was better at everything. Even stole Travis’ girlfriend from him and I’m pretty sure he nailed most of the cheerleading squad. They would joke about who Terrence was going to integrate next and I’m pretty sure a few were pregnant by graduation.”

“Sounds like two alphas fighting for dominance.”

“Well, I never got together with Travis and I avoided Terrence like the plague. The only other man to ever get that kind of reaction from my body was… oh yeah, Mr. Perez. The owner of the club came to check on why receipts were down so much compared to his other clubs. He wasn’t much to look at, but man did he exude confidence and a sexual presence. My body reacted the same way and I had trouble taking my eyes off him. Luckily, he spent most of the time in the office yelling at Fred and he had to head back to Miami that night or I think he could have had any one of us dancers.”

“You know what to look for. Find a man like that and I promise that you won’t be sorry you fucked him.”

“I’ll think about it,” said Lily, turning sideways and pulling the chain to turn the light off. She snuggled up Beth, their breasts pressing together. Lily turned her head down and Beth bent forwards and kissed her on the forehead. Lily kissed Beth’s neck and slid down, using Beth’s breast as a pillow. The two women fell asleep.

Beth awoke in the middle of the night to Lily twitching and whimpering as she dreamed. Beth grinned wickedly, working a hand between Lily’s thighs. The girl was aroused and Beth’s finger quickly slid inside. Lily whimpered raising her leg so Beth could finger her deeper. Beth pulled away slightly so that she could bend down and lick one of Lily’s nipples. The black-haired women moaned, still asleep and rolled over on her back. “Travis,” she cried in her sleep. Beth slid down between her legs and started licking her pussy again. “OH!” moaned Lily finally waking up. She opened her legs wider, humping Beth’s tongue. “AH! AH! AAAHHH!” Lily trembled as she came again.

Beth kissed her pussy and slid back up beside her new friend. She wondered if Lily was going to return he favor, but she was already snoring contentedly. Beth smiled and went back to sleep.

Beth woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon frying. She wrapped a blanket around her naked body and stepped out of the bedroom. “Care if I take a shower?” she called.

Lily was in the kitchen, flipping a pancake. Emma was seated at the table, holding a fork in one hand and a knife in the other. Lily turned. “Sure, but hurry, breakfast is almost ready.”

Beth had been thinking the two should take a shower together, but her eyes flickered back and forth from mother and daughter. Lily’s attention was on her daughter now. Beth showered and dressed in the now familiar daisy dukes, plaid shirt and boots. She placed the cowboy hat on her head and walked out to breakfast.

“I like your hat,” said Emma.

Beth took it off her head and placed it on the little girls. “Well it’s yours now, pardner.”

“Really? Mommy can I keep it? Can I?”

“If Aunt Beth really doesn’t mind, you can.” Lily turned, with two plates in her hand setting one in front of Emma and the other in front of Beth.

“And can I get an outfit like Aunt Beth’s too?”

Lily looked down at the short shorts and the plaid shirt tied up between Beth’s braless breasts. “Not until you move out young lady.”

“Thanks for breakfast,” said Beth, pushing her plate back, fully satisfied. “And for letting me stay here.”

“Best guest I ever had,” said Lily with a wink. “I guess we need to go.”

“Where we going, mommy?”

“Just to take Aunt Beth to meet a ride that’s going to take her home today.”

“It’s not too far, Emma,” said Beth, pulling the rim of the hat down so that it covered Emma’s eyes. The little girl used her thumb to push it back up, giving Beth a wink and then pretending to shoot her with a finger gun.

They three drove the short distance to the rendezvous point. Beth was a little nervous over how this was going to go down. “There’s the car,” she said and Lily pulled over in the row behind it. “Thanks again Lily.”

Lily leaned over and kissed Beth on the lips. “Come visit sometime okay?”

“As soon as my life gets back to something resembling normalcy, I will.”

“Yeah!” cried Emma, clapping her hands.

“Bye,” said Beth, leaning in to kiss Lily again. “And I’ll see you around cowgirl.” She got out of the car, slowly walking towards her ride. Beth gulped, feeling nervous and guilty. She walked up beside the passenger side surprised to see there was a second person already in the seat, an older black man. Beth hesitated and reached for the rear door handle.

There was a click as the doors unlocked.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

This week

Not much news to share.

I believe there are only two more weeks of Doctor Bitch 3 pics coming at Looking forward to her next project.

I've written a little beyond what I've posted of the Houseguest epilogue. There's a series of sexual encounters, some time jumps, and ultimately what I consider a happy ending.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Houseguest Progress

Thought I'd post my progress on the epilogue for Houseguest. It's unedited. I have a couple more chapters to edit and post over in the stories section.

Chapter 11: Epilogue

Titus and Beth had two good days together.

They headed West on Alligator Alley towards Florida’s gulf coast. Beth hugged Titus tightly for warmth as the weather was growing colder. She could have stayed in her bikini forever, but the farther North they got, the colder it would get. Titus wanted to stick to the South to stay with the warmer weather, but it was still February after all.

They stopped at Temptations Tampa where Titus having a direct line to Esteban in his phone, got the manager to let Beth dance some sets. Beth left with an additional $400 in her pocket. She paid for a cheap hotel room, fucking several times that night and Beth gave him a long blow job the next morning. After the blow job, she spent a half hour sitting on the bathtub feeling sick to her stomach and hoping she wasn’t coming down with a bug. She took a shower afterwards and came out to find Titus had bought her some jeans from a nearby thrift store. She had a short sleeve half shirt in his storage compartments, but not much else. Titus explained that he usually just lived off thrift stores, exchanging his clothes from time to time, and washing them in hotel bathrooms with occasional stops at a laundromat.

Titus pushed to reach New Orleans and they rode eleven hours that day, stopping only for lunch and dinner. The long ride in the cold wind had Beth exhausted, though Titus appeared to thrive back on the road. She groaned stepping off the bike when they finally pulled up to a motel next door to a country and western bar named Smokey the Bar. She wanted a shower and sleep, he wanted to fuck. Titus always got what he wanted.


“Fuck me, lover,” purred Beth, staring lovingly at his handsome face. “Ohhh,” she gasped, his penis penetrating her. “Oh! Yes! Fuck me. Fuck… OW!”

Titus grunted, baring his teeth in frustration. “Unh,” he rested the head of his cock against her cervix and tried to push it through.

“Ow,” she jumped with a start. “I don’t know what’s wrong?” She stared confusedly into his eyes. A shadow crossed his face, he stared at her sadly while he fucked her with only half his cock. Her cervix still throbbed from being rammed by his cock head, but Beth managed a large orgasm when his sperm began hosing her cervix.

Titus pulled out and took a shower. “I’m gonna go check out the bar next door,” he told her. “Coming?”

“No thanks,” she moaned, stretching. “I’m going to take a shower and try to sleep. How long on the road tomorrow?”

“Thought we’d tour New Orleans for a day or two.” Titus winked and strolled over to the door again. He turned, glancing sadly back at her before leaving.

Beth pulled the chain across the latch before taking her shower, spending a long time under the hot water. She toweled herself off and blow dried her hair. She enjoyed being naked in a strange hotel room and found herself with an odd desire to open the curtains and let strangers watch her, but she repressed it. She was bored, and half tempted to go find Titus, but the King-sized bed was calling to her. Beth pulled back the covers and quickly went to sleep.


Beth jerked awake as the door chain rattled. She glanced at the alarm, it was 2:00am. “Coming,” she told Titus, climbing out of bed. The door was open a crack, pulling the chain latch taut. Titus closed the door and she undid the chain, opening it. “Welcome back, lover,” she said, smiling and arching her back so that her breasts thrust out.

He placed one large hand on the edge of the door. The knuckles were bloody. Titus saw her alarmed glance. “Mostly not mine,” he explained, pushing the door all the way open so that Beth could see he had a companion, a blonde cowgirl.

“What the…” said the woman standing beside Titus. “I’m not into anything weird.” Her eyes lowered down Beth’s body, moving back up and looking appreciative at what she’s seen. “It’s weird enough going back to a nig..groes’ motel room. Who are you?”

“I’m his girlfriend,” said Beth, a little angry. Titus pushed past Beth and strolled to the bathroom to clean his knuckles off. “Who are you?”

“Charlene, but everyone calls me Charli Rae or just Charli.”

“Beth,” she said, equally impressed by Charli. The girl was a looker. Long blonde hair fell down her back, the top of her hair covered by a cowboy hat. Her eyes were a bright blue. Her face, naturally beautiful wearing little make-up other than bright red lipstick. Her figure was outstanding and on display. She wore a plaid shirt, tied up between bouncy unrestrained DD breasts. Her exposed belly was flat and tanned, a confederate battle flag pin glinted in her navel. Her firm outthrust ass was covered with tight cut offs, strands of thread hanging from the bottoms. The front button was undone, the zipper lowered slightly dangerously close to where the top of her pubes would be. Her feet were covered in boots. “What are you doing here, Charli?”

“I was celebrating my 21st birthday and my first time at a club with my boyfriend, Bobby Ray, no relation,” she said with a wink. “Then Titus started hitting on me. Bobby Ray was pissed cause he gets jealous and he hates nig.. coloreds, but Titus apologized and bought us a pitcher of bud. Then he and Bobby Ray started playing pool. Serious pool with money on the table, but Bobby Ray didn’t have enough to cover the final bet and Titus told him he’d take a night with me to cover the shortfall. I was like no way would I ever fuck a black guy, but Bobby Ray just winked at me and told Titus he had a deal. Titus won. He’s a really good pool player.”

“I know,” said Beth, wryly. “I take it Bobby Ray never planned on paying off the bet.”

Charli shook her head. “I sure wasn’t gonna pay it off. We were gonna teach that nigger…oops, sorry.”

“It’s fine,” said Titus walking up behind Beth. He’d removed his tee shirt.

“Yes, fine,” said Charli staring at the black man’s muscular chest. “We thought we’d teach Titus a lesson about knowing his place for hitting on white women, but...”

“I left three redneck crackers rolling around on the street in pain.”

Charli gulped. “The others… they just ran.”

“Take the first two or three out fast enough and the others always run.”

Charli was staring at Titus hungrily now. “He was just so masculine, confident, smiling as he decked my boyfriend. He winked at me when he dislocated Jimmy’s shoulder. I was gonna run too, but it was over too quickly and by then I didn’t want to run anymore. I felt he deserved his reward. Sorry, I didn’t know he had a girlfriend back here.”

“She’s cool,” said Titus. “You are cool, aren’t you Beth?”

Beth was staring at Charlie Rae. The girl was showing all the signs of arousal. Beth could see her rock-hard nipples poking out right through the plaid short. Her chest and cheeks were flushed, and she was breathing heavily. A part of Beth felt that declaring their love for each other meant they would be exclusive, but another part knew there’d be other partners, male and female. She’d watched him share Ashley with both in his video clips and he’d already shared her with his father. “Yeah, I’m cool,” she replied, reaching out for the knot between Charli’s breasts. Beth pulled on the plaid shirt.

“OH!” said Charli. The tied-up shirt flew open. Her ripe full breasts were near perfection, fully rounded, perfectly shaped and capped by half inch nipples sticking out from pink quarter-sized areola. They were firm and proud, rising above her ribs and thin waist. She’d make a fortune dancing for Esteban.

Beth walked around behind the young girl. She was shaking a little, staring at Titus. The big black man sat on the bed and kicked his shoes off before standing back up. Beth pressed her own hard nipple capped breasts into Charli’s back. She reached around and caressed Charli’s breasts before letting her hands slide down. The girl’s cutoffs were already unbuttoned so it was easy for Beth to just pull the zipper down. Beth squatted, tugging the tight shorts down over the blonde’s firm ass.

“My lord!”

Beth glanced up as she forcefully tugged the jean shorts down. Charli was staring at Titus’ crotch. She didn’t know it yet, but she wouldn’t be returning to Bobby Ray after tonight or probably any white man for that matter. The shorts fell to her feet and Charli stepped out of them. Her ass was bared, a thong running up between her cheeks. The front was lacy and sheer. She’d dressed sexy for her boyfriend and her birthday, planning on getting laid. Beth grabbed the edges of the panty and pulled down. Charli gasped again. She was a natural blonde and shaved her mound, but for a yellow strip in the middle.

Beth slid her hands down, the girl’s smooth, tanned legs. They were firm and muscular, probably a runner’s legs. She made to lift Charli’s leg and pull a boot off, but Titus said, “Leave them.” Beth stood back up. “Bring her to me.” Beth pushed the trembling girl a few steps forward until she was standing before Titus. He towered above her, nostril’s flaring as he took in his newest conquest. “Take it out,” he ordered.

“Oh god,” she mumbled. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Charlie looked up at Titus’ face while resting her hands on his chest, she slid them down, feeling the ridgelines of his muscles, moving down until they reached the hem of his pants. She trembled as she undid the buttons and spread the opening so that the zipper slid down. “You’re big!” She was staring at the bulge, impressed by what she was seeing.

Beth moved to the side slightly so that she could see the girl’s face. Charli’s hand yanked the underwear out and down. Beth smirked watching her brow furrow, then her eyebrows shot up, disbelief in her eyes. She stepped back, finally looking down at the monster cock in her tiny white hand. “Sweet Jesus,” she muttered staring at it in awe. The hand gripping it didn’t even cover a quarter of Titus’ cock. “No way!” Charli, released it, pushing it down like she was tossing it away, but the huge rod just sprang back up. “Oh, hell no,” she said. “I’m not going anywhere near that thing. That’s like no penis I ever saw…”

Beth moved behind her again, stopping her retreat. “That’s because it’s not a penis,” she whispered in Charli’s ear. Her hands rested on the blonde’s shoulders, rubbing them, calming the frightened girl. “That’s a cock, a big black cock.” She applied pressure to the girl’s shoulders, pushing her down. Titus looked on in approval. “Real men have cocks. Your redneck boyfriend has a penis, a small inferior white penis.”

“No,” gasped Charli in disbelief as she fell to her knees before the huge black cock. “It’s not real…” Her hand came up again, lightly touching the bulbous head with her fingertips. “How…?”

“Just about thirteen inches,” said Titus watching her glide her fingertips down along his shaft. “How big is your boyfriend?”

Charli closed her fingers around it. There was a two-inch gap between her thumb and fingers. “He told me seven, but he’s not even half as big as your penis.”

“He lied and that’s a black cock in your hand, not a penis.”

“A cock,” she whispered, sliding her hand up to the head and back down. “A big black cock.”

“And what do you think of that big black cock Charli Rae?”

“It’s… perfect.”

“Well then, why don’t you give that perfect cock a kiss, gurl?”

Beth watched Charli lean forward and plant a kiss on the tip. She kept her lips there, inhaling his musky scent into her nostrils. Her tongue flickered out, tentatively licking the tip. In a split second, all hesitation was gone, and her tongue was all over it.

Beth kneeled behind her, rubbing her shoulders watching her stretch her mouth open, trying to take him inside. Beth slid her hands down her smooth tanned back and around the sides, caressing her breasts. Charli moaned when Beth’s fingers found her nipples, teasing and pinching them. The nipples were solid elongated nubs attached to lovely cushiony breasts and smooth soft skin. Charli was sucking the head now, trying not to gag, but going at it like a woman possessed. Beth shivered running one hand down the young girl’s soft belly. Her other hand moved down one hip and over one cheek of her ass as plump and cushiony as the breast she’d been touching earlier. The hand on Charli’s belly moved back up to the breast and nipple. The hand on her ass slid down between the crack and under, feeling the girl’s arousal, a wetness that matched the one between Beth’s own thighs. The tip of her finger slid along the girl’s wet slit.

Charli slightly raised herself and sat down, whimpering as Beth’s finger pushed inside her. Beth whimpered to, flexing the finger as she felt the blonde’s wet heat. Beth pulled back slightly so that she could insert a second finger. Charli started humping Beth’s hand with as much vigor as she was attacking Titus’ cock. She was only managing to swallow nearly an inch past the crown but was furiously stroking the remaining shaft with both hands. Beth felt her vagina convulse, soaking her fingers and palm. Charlie tried to moan, gagging slightly on his cock. “Mmmmph!” Beth looked up to see her cheeks bulging out. They contracted and bulged again. Charli choked pulling her head back. A powerful blast of sperm hit her face instinct causing her to duck aside. Another, equally large discharge shot over her shoulder, hitting Beth’s face. Beth moved up, wrapping her lips around the head just as it was jerking up to shoot again. Her mouth filled with his hot seed. She moaned as she swallowed it. “Mine,” growled Charli, yanking the shaft back towards her own mouth.

Beth’s finger had never left the blonde’s pussy. Her vagina quivered again. Beth pumped her fingers faster, fresh waves of arousal covering her hand as the girl gulped the last of Titus’ seed down her own throat. Beth removed her fingers when Charli quit orgasming. “Mmmm,” she groaned contentedly. “It’s so good!”

“You sound surprised?” said Titus.

“I only let Bobby Ray cum in my mouth once,” she said, licking her lips. Her hand was still possessively holding Titus’ cock. “He didn’t taste good at all.”

“Weak and runny,” said Beth in her ear. Charli nodded, staring at Titus’ cock. “The semen of a weakling,” whispered Beth. Charli shook her head this time. The racist young woman looked conflicted, not wanting to believe that her white boyfriend was inferior to a black man, but the evidence was literally staring her in the face.

“Get on the bed,” ordered Titus.

Charli reluctantly let go of Titus’ black shaft. His rampant erection was swollen with desire for his newest conquest. She crawled onto the bed, nude, but for her short boots. The blonde rolled over on her back and spread her legs drawing both Titus’ and Beth’s eyes to her pink wet folds. Titus took a step towards her grabbing his cock. “Aren’t ya gonna lick me?” she asked.

“Don’t need to,” he grunted, “But if you want your pussy licked, Beth can do it.” He placed his hand on Beth’s head and guided her between Charli’s legs.

Charli gulped. “I’ve never fooled around with a woman.”

“Me neither,” said Beth. Charli had a beautiful pussy. The blonde strip of hair seemed to draw her eyes right to the girl’s slit. Beth moved between her legs, feeling nervous for some reason. She’d been wanting this for a while now and Charli was the perfect choice. There’d be no shame or embarrassment. She’d be gone in the morning and she and Titus would never see her again.

Beth brought her head closer. The girl’s anus was just above the bedspread. It was tightly puckered, neatly sealed, but if Beth knew her brother-in-law, it wouldn’t be snugly sealed by morning. Beth brought her lips up to the girl’s pussy and just like she sometimes kissed the tip of Titus’ cock, she kissed Charli’s pussy. The girl trembled a little, gasping when Beth’s tongue flickered out, running up her slit. Beth too moaned with lust, her tongue lapping faster, pausing only to tickle the girl’s distended clitoris. Charli began humping Beth’s tongue as Beth pushed it in and out of her pussy. Beth stared cross-eyed down Charli’s blonde strip, her belly was undulating, the confederate battle flag pin rising and falling with the girl’s rippling stomach. Charli’s head was raised between the firm mounds of her breasts, looking down into Beth’s eyes. Her mouth was open. “Ah ah ah,” she gasped. “AAAAHHH!” Her head fell just as her crotch bucked up into Beth’s tongue. Charli squirted into Beth’s tongue and mouth, her fluid covering Beth’s chin. For a brief moment, Beth saw the bed surrounded by her bi/lesbian classmates and her feminist studies teacher, Ms. Dykstra. They were nodding approvingly. “YYEESS!” Charli moaned, her pussy dropping down onto the bed.

Beth wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Either the situation had the girl hyper aroused or Bobby Ray had never eaten her pussy this good. A strong hand rested on her shoulder, pulling her out of the way. Beth moved aside as Titus cupped the girl’s knees, raising her pussy up towards his cock. Charli looked up in alarm as the monster head of his cock disappeared between her legs and started pressing into the folds of her pussy. She gasped feeling it about to penetrate her. “Ya gotta wear a condom,” she panted as she opened for him.

“You got one sized for nigger cock?” He asked, pushing forwards.

Charli felt herself opening up wider than ever before. His use of the “n” word reminding her that she was being penetrated bareback by a huge black cock with a pair of sperm filled balls as big as oranges. She’d been with three men in her life and neither Bobby Ray, Jimmy Don, nor cousin Bodean had ever entered her bareback. “Just please pull it out,” she begged, remembering how thick and voluminous the black man’s seed had been. “Sweet Jesus, you’re big,” she moaned feeling him working the head around inside her, pushing it a little deeper with each thrust. She was staring up her body and the wrist thick black shaft slowly disappearing inside her. He’d pull back, the light glistening where he’d penetrated her, and the wet area was growing larger and larger. “Fuck!” she gasped in awe as he passed Jimmy Don’s mark, then Bobby Ray’s, and finally cousin Bodean’s whose six-and-a-half-inch prick had been the biggest she’d ever seen, so impressive, she’d let him take her virginity. “Oh god,” moaned Charli, suddenly thrashing like she was having a seizure.

Beth watched the contented smile spread across her face, her eyes slowly opening as if to view her new reality for the first time. She was staring at Titus in admiration from her first black cock orgasm. “Fuck me,” she growled, staring at him. “OW!” She winced before her eyes flew wide open. Beth reached out and stroked her blonde hair, knowing Titus’ cock was forcing its way through her cervix. “It’s in my womb!” She confirmed, watching the last few inches of cock disappear inside her. “Unh unh unh,” grunted Charli as Titus began working several inches of cock in an out of her. She appeared dazed. “OHGOD! FUCCKK MMEE!”

And just like that, Beth watched the girl thrash as she had her second black cock orgasm. “Only a big nigger cock can give you orgasms like that,” she said, still stroking the blonde’s hair. Charli’s eyes turned on her in disbelief than back on the muscle-bound titan fucking her. “I swear you were built for fucking nigger cock.” Beth bent over and kissed the girl’s bouncing nipple. “How’s it feel to have your white pussy filled by nigger cock?”

“Good,” whimpered Charli, gasping as Beth sucked her nipple between her lips. “It fills my white pussy so goOOOD!” She squealed, cumming again.

“No more white dick,” said Titus.

“No more,” she agreed.

“You black owned now, gurl,” grunted Titus, working his cock faster. “You’re a slut for BIG… BLACK… NIGGER… COCK!

“YYEESS!!” Charli thrashed around so violently, her nipple popped out of Beth’s mouth. “So good. So fucking good. Love big black nigger cock. Ohmygod, just don’t cum in me.”

“Of course, gurl,” gasped Titus. He was sweating now, getting close.

“He lies,” said Beth. Charli’s eyes flickered to her again and Beth could see the alarm in them. “Real men don’t pull out. He’s gonna fill you up with his nigger seed.”


“He’s gonna plant a little nigger baby in that belly.”

“NO!” Charli was trembling. One hand grabbed Beth’s arm, squeezing it tighter and tighter as another orgasm was building. “YES! Do it! Seed my white pussy! Give me a nigger baby!”

“Here it cums.” Titus pushed deep, his oversized balls granting the woman her wish and giving her a giant orgasm at the same time. Her contractions sucked his sperm up into her uterus.  Charli’s brain suffered a flash flood of indescribable joy as it became saturated with pleasure giving chemicals.

Charli felt full then empty. Sperm rained down on her face and breasts. She looked up at the mammoth cock shooting small jets of sperm out to fall on her breasts. Titus dropped her to the mattress. His cock less rampant now, angled down, but still dripping sperm to fall on her stomach. The blonde girl looked down at all the white semen on her body. Her hands reached out, rubbing it into her skin, around her throbbing nipples and into her belly. Her hand came to rest under her navel feeling it bulging out from all the semen inside her. “Shit!” she gasped, coming to her senses. “What did you do? I can’t have a black baby!”

“You seemed to enjoy it,” said Beth.

“She asked for it,” said Titus. He turned and walked to the bathroom.

“I just got caught up in the sex.” Charli was looking frantic. “What do I do?” She looked at Beth. “You gotta suck it out of me. Please?”

Beth shrugged. She slid off the bed. Charli opened her legs and rested them on Beth’s shoulder. Her pussy was no longer pretty. It was red and splayed open, pouring sperm out. Beth pressed her mouth against it and started lapping. She immediately moaned with delight. Charlie’s pussy had kept it hot and his semen tasted every bit as good as it did coming straight from his cock. Maybe even better mixed with her pussy juice.

“Get as much as you can,” pleaded Charli, her hips slowly lifting into Beth’s thrusting tongue. “Ohhhh,” she moaned.

Beth licked faster until the girl came. Her orgasm forcing a mouthful of sperm into Beth’s mouth.  Beth gulped it down and another mouthful. It wouldn’t be enough. She could have a dozen more orgasms and she’d still have millions of sperm trapped behind her cervix. She came again, and Beth got another mouthful. The sperm running out of her turned to a trickle, but Beth’s tongue and jaw were getting tired. She quit lapping, kissing the blonde’s pussy again before rising and kissing up her body. She kissed her bellybutton, sucking the black seed off the Confederate battle flag pin before kissing and licking her way up Charli’s body. Beth suckled and licked around both her nipples, kissing her shoulders, then her neck and cheek. When her tongue found Charli’s mouth, she found the blonde’s tongue receptive. The two women kissed.

Beth grunted.

Strong hands raised her ass up as the thick familiar cock head pushed past her pussy lips. She moaned, kissing Charli more lustfully as the giant black cock began fucking her. It pounded into her cervix, but she it was still closed tight. Beth quit kissing Charli burying her head over the blonde’s shoulder as the tears ran down her cheeks. She missed the full penetration, again wondering what was wrong with her body that it was suddenly rejecting the man she loved. She worried he wouldn’t be satisfied fucking her with just three quarters of his cock. Her worries grew when he pulled out. Charli shuddered beneath her and started moving as Titus began fucking her again. The black man held Beth’s hips as he fucked the trapped young woman beneath her.

The tears stopped flowing and Beth went back to kissing her new female lover. Charli was eager, sucking Beth’s lower lip into her mouth and holding it as she came. “Is it always this good?” she hissed into Beth’s ear.

“Always,” replied Beth, kissing her again. Beth felt her shudder another half dozen times beneath her before Titus bellowed loudly, his grip tightening on Beth’s hips as he filled Charli’s womb with another load of his potent semen. This time, Charli took it without complaint.

An exhausted Titus plopped down on the bed just as Beth lifted herself off Charli. She reached down and pulled the woman to her feet. “Happy birthday,” she said. Charli snorted a laugh. Beth helped her to the bathroom as Charli waddled behind her. Beth turned the water on in the shower, waiting for it to warm before helping Charli into the tub. She climbed in with her, retrieving some soap and cleaning the

dried semen off the messy woman. Beth turned her around, facing her and kissing her again.

“Thanks,” said Charli, her hands reaching out to caress Beth’s skin, sliding down to her breasts. “Your tits are perfect. I’m jealous.”

“You’ve got nothing to be jealous over, Charli Rae. “Your body’s amazing.”

“Thanks for sharing your boyfriend,” she said sincerely. “He’s quite… remarkable?”

Beth laughed. “Yes, he is, isn’t he?” She looked into Charli’s blue eyes. “There is something you can do for me.”


Beth caressed her cheeks, kissing her before sliding her hands to her shoulders. She pushed down. “I haven’t gotten mine for a while.”

Charli fell to her knees in the tub, hot water raining down Beth’s body. She looked at the matted brown pubic hair before her eyes. “I guess this is my night for trying new things,” she said, leaning forwards.

Beth leaned against the wall, opening her legs and raising her hips out. Charli’s tongue ran up her slit, hesitant at first, but gaining in enthusiasm as she came to like it. Beth looked down her body. Charlie wiggled her tongue looking back up at her. Beth reached down, caressing her wet hair. Her fingers pushing against her scalp, raising her hips into Charli’s face as Beth pulled her tight. Beth’s orgasm soaked the girl’s chin, her tongue licking the fluids up. Beth relaxed and released her head.

They toweled each other off and returned to the bed. The blonde and the brunette climbed in beside Titus, each leaning into him and resting hands on his hard chest.


The bed shaking woke Beth. She opened her eyes. Charli was staring back at her. The blondes face was red and strained. Sweat beaded her forehead. She was on all fours, head down, ass up. Titus was slowly working his cock in her from behind. Charli winced. “He’s in my ass,” she gasped.

“You’ll learn to love it.”

“He’s too big, Beth.” Charli’s face scrunched up tight then relaxed. She opened her eyes again. “It doesn’t hurt as much. UNH! God it’s big. UNH! Fuck. FUCK! So deep. Fuck. Fuck me. FUCK MY ASS!”

Beth smiled as Charli rose up, pushing back into Titus’ cock. Titus winked at her and she smiled back watching her lover break in the white girl’s ass. She truly was black owned now. Titus grunted and Beth knew he was filling her bowels with his seed.

She fell back asleep when Charli got up running to the bathroom before her ass started leaking semen all over the room’s carpet.

Beth woke again to the dawn’s light shining through the curtain. Titus was crawling on top of her. She opened her legs for his cock. He held himself over her, fucking her gently, not even trying to get it through her cervix. She ran her hands down his strong back, feeling the taut muscles as he held himself above her.

“I love you,” he said, first.

“I love you too,” she replied, cumming around his cock. She looked up at him happily, but he looked depressed. Maybe, he felt guilty for bringing Charli back to their room, but then he was the one that believed in that alpha male- uber man nonsense that it was his right to do whatever or whomever he pleased. She pulled his head down and kissed his forehead affectionately to make him feel better.

Titus fucked her slowly for a long time, staring down into her face, taking in the detail. She wanted to cradle his head in her arms, ask him what was wrong. Finally, she could feel he was close. He rested the head right up on her cervix and sprayed it with his hot seed. He bent down and kissed her, sucking her lower lip between his as he filled her with one of his voluminous loads. Beth gasped and whimpered as she came along with him.

Beth ran for the bathroom when Titus pulled out. With her cervix closed up, there was a lot more leakage. She cupped her hands under her pussy and raced for the toilet. It poured out of her as she sat down and suddenly, she felt ill again, clutching her stomach, not sure if she should leap off the seat and bend her head over it or keep seated so his sperm could drain out. The bathtub was close if she needed to vomit.

It passed and she returned to bed, falling back asleep.

She awoke a couple hours later, her stomach upset again. This time, she was pretty sure she was going to vomit. The bed was empty. She ran to the bathroom, the shower running. Titus immense bulk filled most of the tub. He was raising the much smaller blonde woman up and down his cock, hands lifting her under her ass. Their heads were turned, kissing each other passionately.

She leaned over the toilet and vomited though it was mostly just dry heaves. She hung her head over the seat, listening as Charli had several orgasms and Titus finally pulled her down on his cock as he filled her with his seed. Beth noticed she was no longer objecting to his cumming inside her.

“You alright?” he asked, stepping out of the tub.

“Yeah, must have a stomach bug or something,” she said, noticing his sorrowful expression return as she started dry heaving again.

Beth stayed like that, feeling miserable for more than a quarter hour. Finally, when her stomach felt a little better, she pushed herself up and stepped into the shower herself. She held her hand over her abdomen. Was it actually possible she was pregnant? She and David never used protection and she never got pregnant. She’d always believed she was the problem, but if it was David that couldn’t get her pregnant, then she just might have gotten pregnant by his brother. For that matter, she may have gotten pregnant by Titus’ father or Jim for that matter. Had she become such a slut that she didn’t have a clue who the father of her child might be?

Beth finished her shower, washing her hair and cleaning off the dried sperm between her legs from where it had leaked out while she slept. She hummed happily while using the built-in blow dryer to dry her hair. The thought of carrying a child was growing on her and she wanted it to be Titus’ more than anything. She wasn’t sure how he’d take it though.

Beth looked for a dry towel, but they were all damp and bunched up from Titus and Charlie’s shower together. There were never enough towels in these little motels, and it took several to dry off Titus’ large body. She brushed her teeth. She decided not to tell him yet. The first chance she got, she’d buy a pregnancy test, just to make sure. She smiled at her reflection. Was it her imagination or was she glowing? It had to be in her head, but she did look radiantly beautiful. Anyway, she was looking forward to exploring New Orleans today. Visiting the city had been on her list for a while.

Beth left the bathroom, walking out into an empty room.

She frowned, wondering where they’d gone too. A motorcycle roared to life outside. Without thinking she ran to the door and threw it open. “HEY!” she yelled, but they were too far too hear her. Titus rode his bike down past the lobby and turned onto the highway. Charli was on the seat behind him. She was leaning against his back, arms wrapped around his chest, and she was wearing Beth’s bikini, her long blonde hair flying out as the bike sped up.

Beth’s eyes followed the bike onto the highway, her head turning until she was staring in the face of an awe-stricken young man standing a few parking spaces down. His chubby wife was bent over holding her hands over their son’s eyes also looking at her. Beth looked down at her nude body and stepped back into the room.

Beth wasn’t worried. Maybe, they’d just left to get breakfast? No, she wasn’t worried. She paced the room. All Titus’ stuff was gone. The only thing left in the room was Charli’s clothes from last night, the plaid shirt, jean shorts, boots, cowgirl hat, and panties. Beth’s spare clothes were in the storage compartment on the motorcycle as was her left-over money from stripping. She sat down, getting more nervous as an hour passed and then another. She was starting to worry. She heard the maid knocking several doors down and put out the do not disturb sign, hiding her nude body behind the door.

It was then that she noticed the note on the pillow.

Her hands were trembling when she picked it up and read it. It was short and direct.

If the baby is a boy, name him Atlas. If it’s a girl, Phoebe.

Beth sobbed, the tears running down her cheeks. She through herself down on the pillow and cried.


Another husband was in the parking lot, taking a suitcase from his car while his wife was bent over in the backseat taking a baby out of its seat. He did a double take when Beth stepped out of the room.

Beth felt like a redneck whore, hating the outfit, but knew she looked amazing. The boots clomped on the sidewalk as she made her way towards the office. She tugged on the shorts, but nothing she tried could stop the bottoms of her ass cheeks from sticking out under the short cutoff jeans. Her breasts swung freely under the plaid shirt. At least the cowboy hat kept the sun out of her eyes.

Titus had paid cash for the room the night before so at least that was covered. She entered the office and made herself a coffee. The desk clerk could barely keep his eyes off her but kept looking down every time she looked up.

“You okay, miss?” he finally asked.

Her eyes were red from all the crying she’d done over the last few hours. Finally, she’d pulled herself together and cleaned herself up. Her parents had both died in a car accident, and she had nowhere to go. She settled on returning to Miami. She doubted David would take her back, nor did she want to go back to him, but at least she had a change of clothes and a car there. Plus, spare ID. Her driver’s license and phone were with her money in Titus’ saddlebags somewhere. “I’m fine,” she answered, finishing the coffee.

Something was poking her in the short’s pocket. She reached in and pulled out reflective sunglasses. Beth put them on as she left the lobby. The other pocket felt empty, but she tried it anyway. She was filled with some relief when she pulled out a twenty-dollar bill folded flat and tucked way down. Even better, when she opened it, there was a ten and a one inside it. Thirty-one dollars to get her back to Miami from New Orleans. Not much, but then she didn’t need to make it back to Miami on thirty-one dollars, she needed it to make it to a nudie bar. If she could convince the manager to let her dance a set, she’d have some spending money.

Beth stood up straight and walked from the lobby to the road. The highway was a short distance down the road. She turned around, walking backwards, looking for a vehicle with a turn single on to indicate it was heading West. She stuck out her thumb. In this outfit, she didn’t expect she’d be hitchhiking long. Only one car passed her.

The second vehicle was an eighteen-wheeler. It honked and pulled over. She didn’t even think half a minute had passed before she had her ride.


Big John

Beth grabbed the bar and pulled herself up as a beefy black hand pushed the door open. She flashed a fake smile as she climbed up, looking in the cab. The smell hit her before her eyes could even see inside.

The black man, smiling back at her was hideous. His teeth were crooked and one of the front teeth was missing. His face was all flat nose and broad lips. Both were dark black and spread across his face. His dark eyes were small and beady, the big nose making them look even smaller. He had a high forehead with receding hair, shaved short and completely white. He was also probably 80 pounds overweight, the chin under his broad lips disappearing into jowls. “Where ya heading, honey?”

Beth wanted to turn and run but fought her instincts and kept smiling. “As close to Miami as you can get me.”

“I’m going to Orlando.”

“That’ll work,” said Beth. Orlando was under two hours away from Miami. She sighed, suddenly wishing she’d been nicer to people and had some friends she could depend on to come get her or let her stay with them.

“John,” said the black man. “Folks call me Big John.”

“Beth,” she answered, watching his eyes flick up and down her body. She looked away, frowning.

“Nice to meet you, Beth,” said Big John. His hand came out and planted on her knee, giving it a little squeeze. He ran it up her thigh a few inches before removing it to use both hands on the wheel to turn onto the freeway.

Certainly, this fat black man didn’t think he had a chance with her? She winced, her hard nipples scraping against the tied-up shirt. It suddenly felt very hot in the cab even though he had the air blowing. She sniffed. What was that stench? It was stale, but familiar. It was sweat and semen. The cabin reeked of masculinity.

“You look familiar. You an actress or something?”

She rolled her eyes and looked back at him, still faking a smile. “Up until a short time ago, I was a waitress at a diner.”

“Honey, you too fine to be a waitress.” He grinned over at her, but all she could see was the dark gap in his teeth. For such an ugly man, he was strangely confidant.

“Thanks.” Beth looked away and down. She stifled a gasp when she saw the size of the bulge running down the man’s pants leg. She felt herself flushing as a desire to see Big John’s cock rose in her. The fat ugly black man was an alpha! “I’m sorry, I don’t have much money.”

“That’s okay, honey,” he grinned again. “I’m sure we can work something out.” His big hand came over to rest on her knee again.

She noticed the hand he had on the wheel had a wedding ring on it. Her eyes flickered down to the hand on her knee then back to the bulge, noticing it had swelled some. “And I suppose that if we can’t work something out, I’m back on the street?”

Big John glanced over at her and removed his hand, putting it back on the wheel. “Not at all, hone… Beth. No one’s ever accused Big John of failing to help a lady in distress. You got a ride all the way to Orlando whether you pay me or not.”

Beth felt a tear welling up in her eye. “Thank you,” she whispered, believing him.

“You in some kind of trouble?”

“No, I was just dumped by my boyfriend.”

“Well, he’s a damn fool then. You’re about the hottest thang I ever seen. Look, I don’t have a lot of cash on me either, but I can cover meals and maybe some cash to help you get to Miami.”

“Thank you,” she repeated. Was this guy for real? Maybe all alphas weren’t assholes? Beth pulled her hat off and dropped it at her feet.

John glanced at her again. “You sure look familiar,” he said again.

Beth felt a little nervous. “You ever been to Miami?” she asked, hoping he hadn’t seen her strip, but then she would have noticed a man his size in the audience.

“Sure, but not in a few years.”

She sighed with relief. “When are we stopping?”

“Soon. There’s a truck stop ahead where I spend the night. They got a buffet and if I fill up with gas, they got a shower you can use. Now, there’s not a lot of room in the cab for sleeping, but you can take it. I’ll try to make do up here.”

“I appreciate this Big John. I’ll pay you back for everything. I’ll mail you the money as soon as I get back home.”

“Don’t worry about it, honey,” he said, slapping his hand back on her knee. “You just pay it forward some time. Help your fellow man.”

“Geez John, you’re too good to be true. You’re like a knight in shining armor,” said Beth, even though she hated the idea of a man coming to the rescue. She took her sunglasses off and hung it between her breasts.

“The Black Knight in a shining semi,” he replied, taking his hand off her knee and pulling on the horn. He returned the hand to her knee and she let him keep it there. For the next thirty minutes, he slowly squeezed his hand, caressing up her thigh, but not going too far. Beth glanced at his crotch from time to time, watching it twitch occasionally. “You wanna see it?”

“See what?”

“My cock. Ya keep glancing at it.”

“No thanks,” Beth replied. “It’s just a little hard to miss.”

“Well, if ya change your mind, let me know. That’s usually all it takes.”

“Takes to what?”

“Takes for a woman to forget about my looks and join me in the sleeping compartment.”

Beth nodded, believing him. They pulled into the truck stop. Big John got out, groaning and limping as he tried to straighten his back. “You okay?”

“Yeah. The job’s hard on my body. Not sure how much longer I’m gonna be able to keep it up.” He pulled a bottle out of his pocket and popped and Advil into his mouth. “Lets eat.”

The buffet was what she would have expected from a Southern truck stop diner, fried chicken, pork chops, mashed potatoes, mac-n-cheese, turnip greens, beans, etc. She sat across from John in a booth. They were getting a lot of stares, mostly men staring at her, but a few were the hate filled stares of men who hated seeing a white woman with a black man. The waitress, Darlene, was a worn looking, middle aged white woman. She knew John and was cool towards Beth. She’d touch John on the arm or shoulder every chance she got, and Beth decided she was jealous. “Who’s your friend?” she asked.

“A hitcher,” replied John. “I’m just helpin a girl out. Big John will take care of ya next time, Darlene.”

“Well he better,” replied the waitress, giving John’s crotch a glance before leaving.

“Darlene likes to join me in the sleeping compartment.”

“And I suppose all you had to do was show it to her,” said Beth with a wink.

John laughed, loud enough some other customers stared at them. “Ya got that right. One time the restrooms was broken, she went out back for a smoke and caught me pissing on the dumpster. She couldn’t take her eyes off Big John and I told her I’d let her see it full sized if she met me back at my rig after her shift. Darlene didn’t leave until dawn and now she joins me every week.”

“And I suppose you got a woman at every stop?”

“Mostly, but they’re not always available. I’m four nights out and three nights at home with the wife.” John shoveled a slice of apple pie into his mouth, eating it in only two bites. He stared intently at her the whole time. Beth didn’t look back, he chewed with his mouth open and it wasn’t a pretty sight. Suddenly, John choked, spitting crumbs out across the table.

“What?” said Beth, looking at him in alarm.

Big John was staring at her wide eyed. “HOLY SHIT!”

“What?” she asked again. “What is it John?”

“You’re Bethany Beach!”

“Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about. My name’s Beth Shorthose.”

“No, I see it now. You’re her. You’re Bethany Beach.”

“Sorry,” said Beth, shrugging.

“Let’s go. I’ll show you.”

“How much is it?” she asked, as John pulled out his wallet to pay the check.

“Don’t you worry about it, Miss Beach.”

“For when I pay you back,” she said, glancing at the check and dividing the total by two. She was serious about sending John what she owed him when she got home.

John left a generous tip on the table for Darlene before taking the money and check up to the counter. His beefy black hand scooped up a handful of free mints before they left. She followed him across the parking area to where his semi was parked. Darlene watched them go, jealously. Beth glanced back. “Hey, if you want me to leave you and the waitress alone for a while, I’d be happy to.”

“Don’t you worry about her. She can wait another week,” said John. “I’m not gonna make Bethany Beach wander around a truck stop for three or four hours.”

They climbed up into the cab and John forced his bulk back into the sleeping area, returning with a tablet. He opened it up, browsing through it. “I’m not a huge fan of porn,” he said.

Beth snorted. “Sure, you aren’t.” She was starting to think all men were into porn.

“Well yeah, I like porn, but what I mean is that I find the movies too long and boring, so I only look at single clips. I like to read dirty stories on the net. I prefer a plot and a nice set up before I switch over to a short clip to take care of my… ah needs.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

“Anyway, this one caught my attention around five days ago.” John handed her the tablet.

Beth looked at the video. The image showed a little beach cove. It seemed familiar, but then South Florida had hundreds like it. She hit play. A title screen popped up.

Bethany Beach Meets the Titan.

Beth felt the color slowly drain from her cheeks. The camera zoomed in on a blanket in the sand. “Looks like someone’s been here,” said her voice as she appeared on the screen.

Her heart ached when Titus appeared on the screen, tossing his phone down. Her pussy ached too, yearning for his cock as she watched him pull his shorts down, his magnificent organ springing upwards. They kissed and he stripped her before he smacked her ass and ran down into the water. They emerged and she watched him oiling up her nude body before telling her to do him, all for the benefit of the hidden cameras. “Damn him,” she whispered, angry, but with growing lust as the sex started. She was surprised to realize, there’d been several cameras as the angle changed occasionally, the quality was good for an amateur video. Anger turned to hate when Esteban appeared, but she sucked her lower lip into her mouth, squirming with arousal while watching her take both cocks.

“What’s the number at the bottom?” she asked with growing alarm. “It’s over 25,000.”

“That’s the number of views.”

“Dear god!” Beth stared at the image of herself wantonly cumming over Esteban’s cock as he filled her with seed. She could feel John’s eyes staring at her tits. Her nipples were trying to poke out of Charlene’s plaid shirt. It had aroused her dancing nude before dozens of men, but now over 25,000 had watched a video of her fucking.  “They can’t do this. I never consented to this. I’ll sue that sonofabitch!”

“There’s more,” said John, staring at her. “Click there.”

Beth did, more video clips of her and Titus appeared, slowly loading onto the screen. She’d seen all of them. Titus had his own page too which included clips of Ashely and other women. Beth sobbed.

“I take it he’s the boyfriend?”


“Well, I still say he was an idiot to let you go.”

“Thanks,” she smiled at John, sadly. “Today’s been rather draining. Can I go to sleep now?”

“Help yourself. I’ll be up here if you need me for anything.” He winked at her. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Beth crawled into the back. It stank in back. There was a microwave and a minifridge. A small wastebasket had some microwavable dinner boxes and dirty plastic forks. It was also filled with wadded up paper towels that reeked of semen. The pillowcase and sheets didn’t look like they’d been washed in a long time and smelled of sweat. Beth crinkled her nose and scooted onto the mattress, pulling Charli’s boots off. She laid down but was too upset to sleep.

“You okay back there?”

Beth smiled a little at John’s desperation. “Fine. Just can’t sleep.”

“Try reading yourself to sleep. Check my favorite tab on the tablet.” He handed her the tablet back.

Beth took it. It was an author’s page filled with sex stories. She’d started reading them in bed next to David and had to agree with John that a good set-up and plot in a story was more interesting than a porn with a flimsy premise for having a lot of people fuck. John’s links were even to some of the free sites she’d been browsing. Her mind was still wide awake, so she laid down and started to read some sex fantasy to take her mind of Titus Cetewayo.

The very first story got her pussy flowing. It was about a white mother that got seduced by her son’s black friend. The follow up had his more aggressive dad show up and blackmail the mom into sex. Halfway through reading about how his big black cock was turning her into a slut, Beth glanced at the curtain to the front. Big John wasn’t peeking at her and her nipples were feeling raw rubbing against her shirt. She grabbed the end of the knot and pulled, letting the shirt fall open, freeing her breasts. She sighed with relief as the air hit her nipples.

After reading the next one, a story about a wife going to the neighbor for sex advice and getting it from her friend’s black husband, Beth found herself sliding her shorts off. She was nude now, but for Charli’s thong panty. Beth read one about a couple on vacation in the Caribbean and the wife getting seduced by a black islander similar to what had happened to her mother-in-law. The next was about a wife sunbathing and believing her husband was giving her a massage, but it was actually the black landscaper. He pulled out his big black cock and was about to… “Fuck it,” said Beth, pulling her hand out of the panty. She leaned over and stuck her hand through the curtain. “You can’t be comfortable up there John. Why don’t you come join me?” Her hand found his shoulder and squeezed.

“Don’t mind if I do,” he said, chuckling. The curtain opened. She almost had second thoughts when his ugly jowly face appeared, but then he’d been kind to her and the least she could do is be kind to him. Plus, the way his eyes lit up when he saw her panty clad body filled her with pleasure. His mouth opened, his tongue flickering out through his crooked teeth, licking over his lips.

Beth flicked the light off so she wouldn’t have to look at him. John forced his way into the cramped compartment, turning and pulling the curtain open. They were close enough to a street light that the compartment was lit enough to see each other. She laid back on the mattress, pushing a dirty pair of socks and stained underwear aside. John’s eyes ran down her body. “Honey, you look good enough to eat.”

“Buffet’s open,” she said, feeling slutty and stupid the moment the words left her mouth, but within seconds, a long flat tongue was licking up her slit. Beth opened her legs wider, wrapping them up around his shoulders. Any misgivings she’d had quickly fled as Big John was a skilled pussy eater. His tongue wiggled inside, pushing as deep as David’s little penis could go, soon had her grabbing his hair, trying to pull his face deeper into her pussy. Beth came hard all over his prehensile tongue. John didn’t stop there either. He switched to lapping her labia while working first one then two pudgy fingers into her. “AAAAHHH!” she squealed, cumming all over his fingers and soaking the dirty mattress. “Jesus, John, you’re good at that,” she laid back panting.

John sat up, grinning while wiping the back of his hand across his chin. He reached down fumbling with his pants. “Now normally, I love seeing a woman’s expression when she sees my dick for the first time.” John reached into his underwear and pulled out his swelling cock. “But after seeing the Titan…”

Beth ended up thankful for the light after all when she gazed on John’s cock and she wasn’t disappointed. It stopped growing, slightly curved upwards. It didn’t appear carved out of granite like Titus’, it looked overweight like it’s owner. The shaft looked like it had an extra layer of cushiony fat around the hard muscle. Beth reached out and caressed the end of his shaft. “Ten inches is nothing to be ashamed of,” she said, “Especially when it’s so thick.”

“Ten inches!” John grunted appearing indignant. The compartment was tight and cramped. He couldn’t stand up, so he just reached down under his belly and lifted his gut up. There were another two inches of fat cock hiding under his belly. “Fucking you from behind is the best way to get it all in.”

Beth slid her hand down to the base of his shaft. It was slightly wet with sweat. She could smell the stench, but it was strangely masculine and not a turn off. “It doesn’t matter. You won’t be able to get it all in anyway. I’m pregnant.” The look of lust and anticipation on his face turned to one of disappointment. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I wish I could take all of you.”

John’s flat lips turned up into a sad smile. “Just warn me if I’m too deep. I don’t want to hurt you and I tend to get carried away.”

“Come here, lover,” said Beth, pulling his cock towards her as she spread her legs. John moved his bulk on top of her. Beth turned her head up as he brought his lips down on hers. The fat head of his cock pressed against her opening, easily sliding inside as she was wet and ready for his nice cock. John was probably the last person in the world she could have seen herself sleeping with, but he seemed a decent man and as his cock pushed deep, she lost all reservations as her pussy spasmed all over it.

John didn’t hurt her or get carried away. He found her cervix and fucked her hard with just the right amount. “Damn, this is about the hottest pussy I ever fucked,” he grunted, panting. “And you’re just about the hottest thang too.”

Beth grabbed the rolls on his waist, pulling herself up into his thrusts. “Oh god, John! Fuck me. You’re stretching me out so good. Fuck me with your big fat cock.”

“Ffuuucckkkk!” he groaned. “Gonna cum.” He pushed his cock in as deep as it would go, his hot seed hosing her cervix a moment latter.

Beth screamed, clinging to his sweaty body, her pussy working around his spurting cock. She came hard around his shaft, her vaginal muscles trying to pull his sperm deep into her womb even as his seed continued to futilely batter against her closed cervix.

“Wow,” said John, rolling off her and on his side.

“I’d better clean up,” said Beth. She sat up pulling the tight shorts on first and then the plaid shirt. She didn’t even bother buttoning the shirt, just tied it up into a titty holster. She slipped out of the truck and headed towards the restrooms.

Sex was always messy, even when her womb maintained most of the sperm. John’s had nowhere to go, but to pour out and it felt like he’d emptied a soda bottle’s worth of seed inside her. The shorts were soaked and cum was sliding down the insides of her thighs by the time she made it to the bathroom.

She cleaned up as best she could.

They fucked again in the middle of the night. John had been spooning her, she felt his cock harden and lifted her leg so he could work it inside. He fucked her from behind, emptying another load inside her. This time, Beth just wrapped a blanket around her, squatting away from the light in the shadows behind the eighteen-wheeler, making sure no one was around as she peed in the parking lot, trying to clean as much of his cum out as she could.

In the morning, she felt his erection poking her again. This time she slipped down off the mattress and took him in her mouth. John rolled on his back and spread his legs for her, still half asleep. His cock stank. The whole cabin stank. She probably stank, but she didn’t care. She sucked his cock with as much lust and desire as she had Titus’. If she bent the shaft down and turned her head slightly, she could avoid his belly and deep throat his foot-long shaft. John seemed to love it, groaning.

Beth stroked his cock, licking around the head, cleaning off the remains of the two sexual encounters last night. She still groaned with lust, enjoying the fat ugly black man’s cock more than she ever had her husband’s little penis. His cock swelled and exploded, her mouth filling with some of the thickest richest semen, she’d ever tasted. Beth moaned, sucking faster, trying to get every drop of his delicious seed.

“Let’s shower,” said John when she finally released his now floppy cock.

John and Beth strolled towards the truck stop’s showers. Thankfully, it wasn’t crowded. Beth was a mess. She’d left the panty in the truck. The bottoms of her cutoff were caked with dried semen flakes as were trails of dried sperm running down her legs. Worse, at some point, one of John’s loads had leaked all over her shirt. It was a crusted crinkly mess.

She had privacy in the woman’s shower and washed her dirty clothes under the water as she washed herself. She wished she’d thought to take the mini toothpaste from the hotel yesterday. Beth dressed, tying up her shirt tightly around her breasts.


Beth looked at the truckdriver heading towards the men’s shower. He was staring at her chest. The wet top was hugging tightly to her shapely bosom and even the outlines of her nipples were visible. She sighed and walked back towards the restaurant waiting for John. He joined her, the cleanest and freshest smelling she’d seen him yet, and they went inside for breakfast.

John had the buffet again. Beth just ordered a yogurt and a coffee. “Not eating?” he asked, returning with two plates full of bacon, scrambled eggs, grits, and hash browns. He sat down and began shoveling food into his mouth.

Beth smiled. “I got my protein this morning.” She took a sip of her coffee.

Big John gladly gave her some money to buy a small travelers kit with a toothbrush and toothpaste. After brushing her teeth in the bathroom and rinsing with some mouthwash, Beth emerged feeling clean and they hit the road again.

John smiled as he drove, clearly in a good mood. He kept one beefy hand on his passengers’ knee, running it up her thigh occasionally. “So, Beth, I’m just curious, but how much of a role did reading those stories have in your deciding to fuck me have?”

“A lot,” she answered. “I mean they really turned me on. Just what I needed to take my mind off things. Well, that and that fat black cock of yours.” She reached over and grabbed his knee, squeezing the head of his cock through his pants. It swelled some and he growled.

“Which was your favorite?”

“I liked the one where the wife got sex instructions from her neighbor a lot. The one where the mom got blackmailed by her son’s black friend was hot and better when his dad blackmailed her. Why?”

“Just curious. Get my tablet.”

Beth scrambled into the back compartment and retrieved his tablet. John told her to open it back up and read another story. It was about a black house robber climbing into bed with a sleeping wife who thought it was her husband, much as Beth had thought Titus was her husband when he snuck into her bedroom. The story got her pussy flowing and had her nipples causing indents in her shirt. It ended with the wife leaving her sliding glass door unlocked for the black man to return whenever her husband was away. “God, that’s hot,” she said, breathing heavily.

“Click the author and read some more,” said John.

Beth looked down for the named and moved her finger down to press BigBlackJohn. “Wait a minute?”

John chuckled. “You wrote these?” His home page filled up with over a hundred stories, all interracial with the occasional mind control category.

“Guilty,” he said, grinning. “My wife loves them.” He tapped the visor over her head. Beth lowered it and there was a picture of John and his wife. She was overweight, white, but looked happy and pleasant. There were two chubby bi-racial children in the picture.

“Wow John, they’re hot. You’re pretty good at it.”

John shrugged. “I just started thinking about sex stories while driving hours on the road. I turn off the music and think up plots and clever hooks. When I stop for the night or a mandatory break, I’ll type them up with a Bluetooth keyboard I got.”

Beth smiled at him. “Can I be in one of your stories?”

“Baby, all ready workin on it,” he chuckled. “It’s called “The Hitchhiker.” It’s about a fat black truckdriver that picks up a desperate redneck chick on his route.”

“Why not a female truckdriver that picks up a desperate young black man?”

“Or she’s a classy married businesswoman on a trip that picks up a black escaped convict.”

Beth thought about it. “And they’re forced to get a room together for the night.” She thought a moment. “By a big storm and there’s only one room left at the hotel and they’re both forced to strip out of their wet clothes.”

“And she can’t believe the size of his cock, twice as big as her husband’s and from then on, she’s hooked on thug cock, cruising black neighborhoods for bulls on every business trip.”

“Or one where the woman is a little drunk and a black cop stops her,” said Beth, looking out the window as they passed a police car with flashing lights pulled over on the side of the highway.

“Got one,” said John, pleased. “Read “Pulled Over.”

Beth read it and found herself squirming in her seat. She glanced over at John before letting her hand pull her zipper down. She fingered herself as she read about the drunk wife sucking the black cop’s “breathalyzer” through her open window. She came all over her finger when he took her back to a jail cell where he and another black cop hand cuffed her to the cell bars and took turns fucking her into a slut for black cock. John had written a part 2 where the woman returned to the police office and enjoyed her black cop again and a black thug he’d arrested earlier.

“Damn you’re a horny one,” said John, watching her fingering herself.

“My first black cock awoke something inside me,” she answered. “Like one of the women in your stories.” Beth put the tablet down though when she got home, she planned on reading all of John’s stories. “What about one where a wife is seduced by her brothers-in-law’s big cock?” She stared at the approaching “Welcome to Florida” sign.

John blew his horn as the crossed over the border. “I like it. I like the betrayal aspect, but I only do interracial stuff.”

“What if the brother is the product of the husband’s mom cheating with a black man while on vacation in the islands?”

“Damn, that’s good,” he said. John glanced at her staring wistfully out the window. A tear rolled down her cheeks. “What the fuck! Don’t tell me that’s your story?” Beth just nodded. “Tell me everything.”

John was wide-eyed as he listened to Beth’s story. He’d grunt or whistle or let out a soft curse from time to time. “And after putting on Charli’s clothes, I left the motel and was picked up by a really kind black man.”

“That would make the best sex story ever written on the internet.”

“And every bit of it’s true,” she said.

“Beth,” said John as they neared Orlando. “I’d like to be with you one more night.”

“I’d like that too,” she said, but was unable to help herself from glancing back at the compartment and crinkling her nose.

“We’ll get a room. I’ll text my wife that I reached my mandatory drive limit and had to stop.” John turned the truck towards and exit with some cheap hotels displayed on the sign. “I’d like something to remember you by.”

“What’s that?” she asked, looking out the window as they passed a man in the intersection holding up a sign that read, HOMELESS.

“I’d like to film it. Not to share. Just for me. For those nights on the road when I’m alone.”

“Okay,” she answered. At least he was open about it and not trying to sneak a camera in.

“Why don’t you go freshen up and we’ll get dinner,” said John after they’d gotten a room. Beth nodded and took another shower. Afterwards, she came out with a towel around her body. John was seated at a table, furiously scribbling onto the room’s provided notepad.

“What are you writing?” she asked. Beth sniffed. Big John smelled. The heavy black man sweated profusely and had begun to reek hours after his morning shower. He handed her the note and Beth skimmed through it. “What’s this?”

“A rough script and lines. I want to act it out when we video ourselves tonight. We can wing most of it.”

“Fine,” she agreed, not really wanting to do it. Acting would make it feel too much like a porn as opposed to just a sex tape.

“Great. Let’s eat.”

Beth looked through the script again while they are at a Bob Evans across the street from the motel. “You know this doesn’t really make sense?”

John nodded. “Yeah, your outfit doesn’t work, but it’s a scenario that I always found hot, the classy white businesswoman blackmailed by a black janitor. Plus, it’s a story I’m working on now. She leaves her computer on and he realizes she’s been embezzling.”

Beth continued thinking about the script while they ate. She wiped her mouth with a napkin before saying, “What about this idea? I’m a country singer about to make it big. I’ve been waitressing up until now and you caught me stealing from the till. If you went to my boss, it would ruin my chances of being a star.”

“Hmmm,” said John, thinking a moment. “Better yet, you’re not a thief, you’re a racist and I have you on tape saying the “N” word. “You’re a married singing duo who just cut their first album and are about to go on tour.”

“Alright,” agreed Beth, finding herself starting to get onto the idea.

“Just remember the rules.”

Beth frowned. “What are the rules?”

“Standard. You’re a racist and you hate blacks, my cock is much bigger than your husbands, you aren’t using protection, and you end up preferring my big black cock.”

Beth raised an eyebrow. “Standard,” she agreed. “Not that it’s going to be great art with your tablet propped up pointing at the bed. Well, I’m ready, I guess.”

“You’re right.” John slid the key card across the table. “Meet me back at the room while I pay.”

“I can wait for you.”

“Meet me. I have an idea that might take a few minutes.”

Beth shrugged and got up. She needed to use the bathroom anyway and felt more comfortable doing it alone. After freshening up as best she could, she was just coming out of the restroom when John was opening the door.

And he wasn’t alone.

“What’s going on?” she asked, slightly alarmed. The stranger was thin and dirty, wearing a green military style jacket. He was young and unkempt, reminding her a little of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo even down to a stupid looking soul patch on his chin.

“This is Lee,” said Big John. “He’s gonna be our camera man.”

Lee was staring at Beth in apparent awe. He was also twitchy, parts of him jerking slightly and he had an eye tic. Probably an addict. “I’m not sure about this John.”

“I offered him twenty bucks to film us.”

“Serious man,” said Lee, twitching and staring at Beth’s bare belly and impressive cleavage. “I didn’t think you was serious.” Twitch twitch. “I assumed you wanted me to suck your dick.” Twitch. “BITCH! Is fine. BITCH! FUCK!” Lee then let out a loud grunt.

John was staring at him, surprised. “Tourette’s syndrome, I’m guessing,” said Beth, feeling some sympathy for the man she now recognized as the homeless man that had been standing at the intersection, begging.

“You sure you can do this, man?” asked John. “Ya gotta hold the tablet steady.”

“I can do it,” said Lee, his head twitching down towards his shoulder.

John took his phone out. “Alright, you’re Billy and Bethany Beach, a husband and wife duo. Now act like jerks and call me a nigger.” He hit record and held the phone up. “Hi, Can I get a selfie?”

There was a pause. “NIGGER!” Lee screamed. “Ni… nig… NIGGER!”

“Yeah, out of our way, chubby. We don’t do selfies with niggers. We’re the Beaches and we’re going to be famous,” said Beth, subconsciously moving her mouth towards the microphone.

“NIG-UNH!” Lee cried, the word turning to a grunt.

“Good,” said John after stopping it. “Lee go film Beth coming up the stairs and knocking on the room. Just try to keep Beth on the viewer most of the time.”

Lee’s middle finger came up. “Yes NIGGER! FUCK!” His right shoulder convulsing.

He opened the door. Beth moved past him, placing the cowgirl hat on her head, and walked down the steps to the ground level. Lee moved outside to the railing. John watched him hold the tablet up and hit record to make sure it was working. “Okay, action!” John slipped inside and closed the door.

Beth looked up the steps, the homeless man was holding the tablet down, pointed at her. Focusing seemed to help control his involuntary twitches. She was centered perfectly as she climbed the steps. She felt she should say something. “Let’s see. Room 202. Now let’s find out who the fucker is that’s blackmailing me.” She raised her fist and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” said John from inside.

Beth pushed on the door, stepping inside. Lee moved behind her filming. He stooped down, moving the view up from her boots, the back of her legs, to her barely covered ass and bare back. “Hello,” she called, stepping inside. Lee moved in, filming, and closing the door behind him.

“Remember me,” said John, stepping out of the bathroom. He’d stripped and had a towel tied around his waist. His giant belly hung over the top of the towel.

Beth crinkled her face up in disgust. “No, I’d think I remember you. Now what do you want? Money? We haven’t gone on tour yet. Plus, I want to see what you got first.”

John walked over to the bed and picked up the phone. He held it up and hit play. Lee’s voice came from the phone. “NIGGER! Ni… nig… NIGGER!”

“NIGGER BITCH!” cried Lee, so loudly both Beth and John jumped a little.

“Alright that’s bad,” said Beth. “How much do you want to delete it?”

“I don’t want money, Mrs. Beach. I wants to fuck you, right here, right now.”

Beth gave a nervous laugh. “Hell no. I aint fucking no fat nigger.” She saw Lee moving around to the side to film them facing each other talking. “Shit! I know you. You’re the janitor at the bar my husband and I sing at.”

“That’s right. I been drooling over you dressed in that sexy cowgirl outfit for two years and now I finally get to show you what a big black cock can do.”

“You’re dreaming if you think your nasty nigger cock is getting anywhere near this white girl.” Beth crossed her arms and tapped one booted foot.

John gave her a wink of approval. He finished the recording.

“Yeah, out of our way, chubby. We don’t do selfies with niggers. We’re the Beaches and we’re going to be famous.”

“Famous for being the racists that blew their big record contract. You best git dem clothes off or it’s back to waitressing for you.”

“Fuck!” she hissed.

“FUCK! FUCK!” screamed Lee again, lowering the tablet before raising it back up.

“I can do some editing,” whispered John. “Now bitch. Let’s see what you got.” He turned to Lee and gestured for him to focus on Beth, stripping.

Beth stepped back, looking down demurely at her top. Her hand came up, grabbing the piece of cloth sticking out from the knot between her tits. She hesitated, then pulled. The knot came undone and the plaid shirt fell open, but for two buttons above her breasts. She suppressed a chuckle when she saw, John’s towel starting to tent out in front, watching her. She slowly undid the buttons and let her shirt fall open.

“Dayumn, thems some big white titties,” said John. “Damn near perfect.”


“Now the shorts,” John ordered.

The buttons were already undone. Beth pulled the flap open and lowered the zipper, the panty appearing. She spun around, pulling the shorts down her hips, showing her thong panty to the camera. The shorts dropped around her boots. She hooked her thumbs into the hem of her Charli’s thong and pulled down, her legs spread enough that Lee caught her pussy on camera as she bent down. Beth stood and turned back around, displaying her nearly nude body to Lee. She bent for the boots.

“Leave the boots on,” ordered John, unsurprisingly.

“Now what?” asked Beth, trying to appear nervous.

“Ya can start by suckin some black cock.”

Beth scrunched her face up trying to look disgusted. “Hell no. I don’t even do that for Billy.”

“Well it’s time you learned. On your knees.”

Beth fell to her knees, looking up at the fat old black man. He stepped closer to her. She reached up and pulled at his towel. It opened and fell down around his feet. John’s big black cock sprang upwards, slightly bent down by rising with each pulse of his heart. “Sweet Jesus!” cried Beth with a Southern accent. Her mouth fell open in awe of what she was seeing. “That’s impossible.”

“That’s a big black cock,” said John, his cock now sticking straight out towards her face. “Bigger then little Billy Beach’s I’m guessing?”

“So much bigger,” said Beth, reaching out and grabbing the shaft. “Twice as big.” She started stroking it. “No, it’s bigger than that.” She bent down and licked the head. Beth sucked his cock deep, looking sideways at Lee, holding the tablet up at her. John bent down and pulled her hair back over her ear so that her face was completely visible.

Lee held the tablet steady, his face scrunching up. “B… B… BLACK! COCKSUCKER!” he screamed, his face relaxing.

Beth looked away and turned her attention to John’s cock. She forgot she was acting, lustfully attacking his cock, eager to taste his copious seed. Except for the slurping sounds, the room was silent for the next ten minutes. John rested one fat hand on her head, guiding her to increase her speed. “Here it cums,” he grunted, pushing her head back. His cock began to exit, but Beth grabbed his thighs, pulling him back into her mouth. His first blast filled her mouth to the point her cheeks bulged out, she moaned, gulping it down. It filled again, Beth eagerly swallowing more of his seed. John pushed on her head harder and his cock pulled free just as it was blasting his third wad. His hot semen splattered on her face. He aimed his cock down jerking it, another wad striking her chest. She sat back on her heels, raising her tits up towards his cock. Several more wads of semen covered her breasts, one landing right on her left nipple. “So much sperm,” she moaned, rubbing his semen in her tits. Lee angled the tablet’s camera around to capture it.

“Go get cleaned up, slut. Then I’m gonna open up that white pussy good.” John looked at Lee. “Cut!”


“Pause it, Lee,” said John. “Beth get a shower, leave the curtain open. Lee, let me have the tablet.”

Beth started the shower and grabbed one of the hotel’s little bottles of body wash. She stepped into the tub and under the water. John followed her into the bath room. “Talk like you’re conflicted about fucking me,” he said. Beth nodded. “Alright action.”

Beth emptied the lotion on her chest and started lathering it up so that soap bubbles appeared on her breast. She pinched her nipples. “Oh god, I’m so horny. Why’d he have to be so big? So much cum for me.” She ran her lathered hands over her belly and hips. “His cock is so big and black. I can’t fuck a nigger. I can’t cheat on Billy. That thing will ruin me for his little white penis.” She slid one hand down her crotch, her finger finding her pussy. “Oh god, I need a penis in me. No, I need a cock, a big black cock.”

“Alright cut,” said John, lowering the tablet. “Meet me on the bed.” He turned, leaving the bathroom.

Lee was sitting in a chair, head twitching, but his eyes focused on John’s flaccid penis, slapping from thigh to thigh as he walked. “B… BIG C… COCK!” he grunted.

“That’s right Lee. You good to go man? Can you keep filming?”

“Yeah man,” he said sitting up. “FUCKER! FUCK H…HER!”

“Yes, I’m going to fuck her now.” He handed Lee the tablet.

“S… sorry man.” Lee aimed the tablet at the bathroom while John laid down on the bed. “It’s usually not this bad.” He watched John grab his cock shaking it until it started plumping up again. “Seeing the size of your dick… BIG BLACK COCK! His shoulder bucked a couple times. “It’s brought out the worst in me.”

“It’s fine dude, this is just for fun. I’ve never had a woman that good looking.”


Lee screamed just as Beth appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. She’d put the boots back on after showering. She posed sexily, staring at the bed. “Jesus help me. I want… I need that black cock. I have to know what it feels like to be fucked by a real man.”

John held his hard cock straight up. “Then come and get it. It’s time that white pussy got integrated.”

Beth approached the bed, her eyes never leaving John’s cock. “W.. wait. You have to wear a condom.”

“Hate those things. Besides, my cock’s too big.”

Beth straddled his legs and slid her pussy along his shaft. She laid her arms down on John’s gut, working the end of her pussy up to the head of his cock. “Just promise me, you’ll pull out. It’s not safe. I can’t have a black baby.”

John growled with lust. He growled with lust. “Just get up on that cock, slut.”

“OH GOD! It’s going in me! It’s so big! I love it. Fuck me. FUCK ME!”

“FUCKER!” Lee jerked. He moved the camera around behind, catching the huge shaft splaying her red pussy open. Beth cried out and Lee zoomed in as a wave of fluid poured down his shaft until it soaked his balls.

“Flip over.” John rolled Beth over onto her back. He kneeled between her legs, pushing his cock back in. Lee captured them from the side, filming her tits shaking. He slowly raised the view until he was looking down her body at the black cock slowly fucking her with half the shaft. John’s fat belly was soaked and sweat was pouring off his forehead.

“Fuck me! Fuck me! I love it,” cried Beth, writhing her body sensuously under John’s pounding. “I love your black cock. So good. So good. Never been fucked so good.”

“Get on all fours.” John withdrew his while cock and waited while Beth rolled over. He pushed his cock back in. “This is my pussy now, bitch.”

“Your pussy. Fuck your pussy. Oh god! I’m cumming.”

“Fuck,” groaned John. “Me too.”

“Do it. Cum in my pussy. I want your black baby, master.”

John roared with lust, slamming his cock forward.

“OUCH!” cried Beth.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. John winced in pain also as his cock head hit her unyielding cervix. He pulled back a little and let his cum hose all over her cervix, knowing it would remain closed for more than half a year. “Lee,” he muttered, motioning Lee over. John pulled his cock out, sending a load of semen across her back. Lee zoomed in on John’s soaked cock, bucking and sending wads of semen from Beth’s shoulders to her ass. The huge cock was at maximum hardness. John pulled back until the head was right above her anus before bending his unyielding cock down on her sphincter.

Lee’s eyes widened in disbelief. “ASS FUCKER!”

“Ass fucker,” agreed John, pressing down on his shaft. Lee zoomed in as her rosebud opened up around the knobby tip of the huge cock. The black head pushed deeper, disappearing into her ass.

“I love it! Fuck my ass.” Beth pushed back into his cock.

John stayed hard fucking her ass slowly and steadily. Lee moved around, capturing everything he could. Finally, John groaned almost collapsing on Beth and pushing her down. He sat back, his cock flying up and spraying more cum across her back. Lee zoomed in on her anus as white semen began pouring out of it.

John was soaking with sweat. “Cut,” he wheezed, falling on the bed beside Beth. His cock deflated rapidly, but was still leaking cum. Beth rolled over and snuggled into his body almost passing out.

Beth sensed Lee hovering over her and opened her eyes. The homeless man was jerking off, looking at her breasts. He had a muscle spasm, releasing his penis just as he was ejaculating. Small wads of semen struck her body from her pussy to her tits as his penis swung left and right. It was weak and watery like her husbands, but there was an impressive amount of it.

“Get out,” said John, wheezing.

Lee hastily tucked his spent penis away and hurried out of the hotel room. “You okay?” asked Beth, snuggling up to the obese black man.”

“Yeah, just too old and fat to keep fucking like this.”

Beth smiled and fell asleep. She awoke in the middle of the night. Her ass and crotch was a crusty mess of dried semen flakes. Beth got up and took another shower. She slipped back into bed, this time under the covers as the mess was all on top. She awoke again in the morning. John was in the shower. She joined him, kissing his broad black lips before sliding down his body and kneeling in the shower as she sucked his cock back to life, swallowing every drop of his delicious seed a short time later.

Beth got coffee in the lobby while John ate everything in sight at the complimentary continental breakfast. Afterward, he helped her back up into his truck and soon they were pulling out of the parking lot. Lee was back at the intersection, head down, holding up his “homeless” sign. John rolled down his window and held out a wad of bills. “Here’s the rest of your money.”

“T… thanks,” said Lee. “FUCKER”

“Thank you,” said John and they pulled back out onto the highway.

The soccer mom in the car behind John’s truck saw John handing the homeless man the money and decided to do a good deed also. She pulled a ten out of her purse and lowered her window. “Here you go,” she said, smiling as she held the money out.

“BIG BLACK COCK SUCKER!” cried Lee, snatching the ten.

The woman jerked back, hastily raising her window back up.

“What’d he say, mommy?” asked her daughter.

“Ah nothing dear, said the mom driving away.