Sunday, May 31, 2020

This Week

This week, things begin to return to normal. I'll have my Mondays back to get a little bit of writing done. My son is still off school and I'll want to do some things with him. Work is also still busy as hell and exhausting. 

Jane Stalwart was put on hold when things shut down. It's a complicated story and requires concentration and thought. I'd written some more then I had posted and it's not too far off from Chapter one being finished. I'll pick this up when I'm done my one shot story.

The One shot story.

Dying To Fuck Your Wife.

This was an idea I had and got exited about so I started pecking at it when I had a little bit of free time. It's actually close to being done (Maybe by the end of June). A married couple go to a celebration of life party for a short black classmate dying of cancer. The wife is recently out of a job and agrees to help the black friend out around the house (including giving him a shower). 

Our old buddy Rabies put together a Coxville T&A chart and I thought I'd share.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Artist Showcase

Just thought I'd do a little showcase of this artist whose work I've seen posted around the net. I'm not sure if he has a website or patreon, but he does take commissions.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

This week

So I'm good and all is well. I hope everyone is the same. I'm "essential" and still working, actually working harder with the pandemic. As for writing, my wife is working from home and no school for my kid so I've little privacy to work. I've been sneaking a few paragraphs in here and there. I'll post a story update when I can. I did hear from KevJTay and he's going to work on some Jane Stalwart pics while he's isolating.